Learning Korean — Making Sentence

Judy Jun
2 min readJan 9, 2021


When you make a sentence in Korean, you need to follow the order:

  1. Who 누구 / 누가 //subject of the sentence
  2. When 언제
  3. Where 어디서
  4. What 무엇 ( = Which 어느*/ 무슨** / what kind of 어떤*** + noun) // object of a verb
  5. How 어떻게
  6. (Why 왜) — can be in the first before the sentence or at the end of the sentence
  7. verb (동사)

You can make a sentence with all 7 but you can skip when that one is not part of the sentence.

For example…(예를 들면)

나는 / 어제 / 학교에서 / 숙제를 / 혼자서 / (선생님이 시켜서)/ 했어요.
I / yesterday/ at school/ my homework/ by myself/ (because my teacher asked me to do it) /did.
= I did my homework at school by myself yesterday at my teacher’s request.

나는 /빵집에서 / 케이크를 / 샀다.
I / at the bakery / a cake / bought.
= I bought a cake at the bakery.

1) 어느* + noun : The question pronoun, 어느 followed by a noun allows you to ask someone to specify which among a category or group of objects.
for example (예를 들면)
- 어느 나라 사람입니까? which country are you from?

2) 무슨** + noun : The question pronoun, 무슨 followed by a noun allows you to ask itself (thing) or matter.
for example (예를 들면)
- 무슨 영화 좋아해요? Which movie do you like? (> a specific movie)
- 무슨 일이 생겼어요? What happened? (what (which) event has occurred?)

3) 어떤*** (=어떠한) + noun : The question pronoun, 어떤 followed by a noun allows you to ask about someone’s or something’s status, content’s type, property, or character. = “What kind of”
for example (예를 들면)
- 어떤 책을 좋아하세요? what kind of book do you like? (genre)

more about “어느 / 무슨 / 어떤"

